Thursday 21 July 2016

Pokemon GO

Here are some facts about Pokemon GO —

  • It has 2 times the number of downloaders of tinder.
  • Nintendo stock is up by over 50% since Pokémon GO came out.
  • It is developed by Niantic Labs which used to be an internal startup at Google.
  • The Pokemon servers are crashing as millions are playing the game at the same time.
  • Pokemon Go requires users to walk around and explore their real-life surroundings in search of Pokemon. This has apparently inspired gamers to get outdoors and get moving.
  • Gizmodo predicts that millions of young Americans will eventually learn the metric system because of Pokémon GO, which displays distance in kilometers instead of miles.

Youtube Hacks

Everyone uses Youtube for various reasons (me for entertainment :P) but sometimes knowing a little bit of tweak saves a lot of time and efforts for us.

Here are some Youtube hacks (tweaks basically) which will make your life easy:
1.Add “/leanback” (without quotes) at the end of video url and see the magic.
notice the /leanback at the last of video URL
2.Just put “ss” befor the video URL and download it without any downloader
NOTE: you have to put “ss” after” www ”